T.O.W. Park Jams
Thursdays, June 5, 12, 19 + 26 @ Queensbridge (Queens)
Thursdays, July 10, 17, 24 + 31 @ Crotona Park (Bronx)
Tuesdays, Aug. 5, 12, 19 & 26 + Sept. 17 @ Historic Harlem Parks!
Applications haver been mailed! We just received the park permit for Queensbridge already! Seeking sponsors now! We already have park permits for Queens and The Bronx!
Friday, February 29
DJ JAZZY JEFF @ ONE STEP BEYOND (NYC) 9pm-1am. $20. Ticket price includes entrance to the Cosmic Collisions space show + a free future museum visit. 21+.The Rose Center at the American Museum of Natural History 79th St and Central Park West NYC. AMNH.org. Source: Sondra (PremiereArtistsGroup.com and Flavorpill.net.
ENDING MARCH 1: THE ACTOR'S RAP! (NYC) Fridays: 8pm Saturdays: 3pm & 8pm. An outrageous comedy about a group of actors who are frustrated by the "rappers turned actors" who keep stealing their roles. Taking matters into their own hands, the actors kidnap today's hottest rapper in order to secure a coveted role in an upcoming film. Starring J Kyle Manzay, Shaun Cruz, Vanessa Simmons +! 212-352-3101 to purchase tickets or visit theactorsrap.com. ONLY $30 with code "ARHIPHOP". Baruch Performing Arts Center Engleman Recital Hall 55 Lexington Ave and 25th st. NYC. 6 to 23rd. Source: J Kyle Manzay: theactorsrap.com.
SCREENING: "AS THE TABLES TURN" (GRAYSLAKE IL) 8pm. The film takes a penetrating look at Rob Swift and features never before seen footage of The X-ecutioners, classic battles, and exclusive interviews with Roc Raida and Mista Sinista. CLC Cinema Obscura Room 19351 West Washington St. Grayslake, IL 60030. (847) 543-2000. lakecountyfilmfest.com Source: Rob Swift (djrobswift.com).
2ND SCREENING ADDED: "SPRAYMASTERS" (NYC) 8pm. Film by Manny and Gabe Kirchheimer, features interviews with FUTURA 2000, LEE, LADY PINK, and ZEPHYR + rare footage of late 1970s trains. MoMa 11 W.53rd St. (betw. Fifth & Sixth) NYC 10019. 212.708.9400. myspace.com/spraymastersfilm. E,V to Fifth Ave./53 St.; B, D,F to 47-50 St./Rockefeller. moma.org. Source: artcrimes.org
CELEBRATING OUR AFRICAN HERITAGE (BROOKLYN) 7:30 pm. FREE! Feat. Poets Carletta Joy Walker, Louis Reyes Rivera, Frank Pérez, percussion ensemble, L.A. & Simply Skins: Daughters of the Drum. Reading Room (first fl.) Boricua College, 186 North 6th St.Brooklyn. L to Bedford. Mostly in English. Includes an open reading. Source: virtualboricua.org
URBAN JUKE JOINT OPEN MIC (NYC) 9-12pm. A monthly open mic dedicated to a nobler expression of spoken word, rhymes, beats, music, and poetry, feat. Homeboy Sandman followed by a sign-up open mic. Free! All ages. NYC Baha'i Unity Center , 53 E. 11th St. betw. Broadway & University Pl. Any train to Union Square. Source: Kenneth. Source: myspace.com/urbanjukejoint
LORD FINESSE, BOOGIE BLIND, E-KIM - FRIDAYS (BX) From 8pm - ? Best of the 80's & 90's w/ DJs: Lord Finesse, Super Rockin' E Kim, DJ Knuckles, Boogie Blind & DJ Boogie. Dugout 880D River Ave. near Yankee Stadium. Special Guest Performances. 25 +. Dress: Casual but neat, No Athletic Apparel, No Hoods. 4, B, D trains to 161st. Source: Lord Finesse.
FILM OPENS: "CHICAGO 10" (NYC) Opens Fri Feb 29. $10.50. Stylish archival footage and original animation make an unusually powerful marriage of form and function: a re-creation of the now-legendary Chicago Conspiracy trial, in which 8 predominant activists were scapegoated for the 1968 Democratic National Convention riots. Landmark Sunshine 143 E Houston. NYC. 212.330.8182 for more dates & times. roadsideattractions.com. Source: flavorpill.com
FILM: "CITY OF MEN" THROUGH MARCH 6 (NYC) Feb 29 - March 6. From the makers of City of God. $11. Angelika Film Center (18 W Houston St NYC 212.995.2000. angelikafilmcenter.com. Source: flavorpill.com
DJS: COMPLEX, IRON LYON & ROXY COTTONTAIL (BKLYN) 9pm-? Free fried Chicken N' Waffles from 9pm to 11pm. Live art by Ben Angotti and Danielle Mastriani. $5. Location: 70 North 6th Street Williamsburg Brooklyn. Source: freenyc.net.
Saturday, March 1
Check Friday listings for Saturday Events too...
AFRIKA BAMBAATAA & DJ ROXY COTTONTAIL (NYC) Hiro Ballroom 371 W. 16th St.@ 9th Ave. NYC. hiroballroom.com. Source: oxycottontail.com
FILM: MOVE THE CROWD: THE JOURNEY OF AN MC (NYC) 10 pm. Documentary about Hasan Salaam, an underground emcee from NJ. The film exposes Hasan's commitment to galvanizing political power among disenfranchised people, as he returns to Hip Hop's original messages and goals. Director, Khalil Hayes. ImaginAsian Theatre 239 E 59th St. NYC 10022. $12. 212.371.6682. ticketweb.com. Source: Truth Medicine: HasanSalaamMusic.com
DJ D-STYLES, GASLAMP KILLER, DADDY KEV + (NYC) Flying Lotus, Strike Anywhere, Paint it Black, Riverboat Gamblers, Pitch Black Blonde, Low End Theory NYC Debut, Nobody, Nocando, Eliot Lipp. Knitting Factory 74 Leonard St. (Between Church and Broadway) NYC 10013. 212.219.3132. 1 to Franklin. More info at knittingfactory.com.
MARCH 1-29: ART OF THE LINE by CRASH (SWITZERLAND) John CRASH Matos exhibit at The Speerstra Gallery located between Geneva and Lausanne, on the Route de l'Etraz in the Canton of Vaud. Address: Chemin des Cerisiers 1 CH-1183 Bursins, Switzerland. Tel : + 41 (0) 21 824 20 10. speerstra.net. Source: artcrimes.org.
WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH CARNIVAL (BROOKLYN) 6pm-11pm. FREE! Highlights include a Peruvian dance performance, clay-pottery sculpting, and a screening of Favela Rising, a poignant documentary on music's power to overcome violence. Argentine tango troupe Los Chantas. Groove in the Rubin Pavilion to Baile Funk, Samba Rock, and Tropicalia w/ DJ Sean Marquand. Brooklyn Museum of Art (200 Eastern Pkwy, 718.638.5000. Info brooklynmuseum.org. Source: flavorpill.com
SOUL EXPLORATION II OF IV (LOS ANGELES) 9pm. Platinum Pied Pipers, Spacek Sound System, Blu and Exile. DJs: Sake 1, J-Boogie, Coleman, and Aski. $20. 21+. Crash Mansion 1024 S Grand Ave. Los Angeles, CA. Source: myspace.com/artdontsleep.
MARCH 1 & 2: DANCE AUDITIONS (BROOKLYN) 12 - 5pm. The Shipment written and directed by Young Jean Lee. Award winning, internationally-touring theatre company seeks virtuosic, professional, African-American dancers. We are interested in all forms of Hip Hop and African dance. This is a paid gig. Auditions @ Brooklyn Arts Exchange (BAX) 421 5th Ave, Park Slope. R/F Trains to 4th Ave.) Please contact to schedule an appointment: leahnana@gmail.com. Please send headshot & resume if possible. Source: Georgia X. Lifsher
Sunday, March 2
5TH ANNUAL NYC GRASSROOTS MEDIA CONFERENCE Speaking Truth to Power: Media Justice in Our Communities 9am-6pm. Amazing line-up of activists, scholars, media makers, community organizers, musicians, filmmakers, artists, journalists and more including Rosa Clemente and Jared Ball. $20 advance; $30 day of. $15 students/seniors; $25 day of. $5 youth discount (18 & under) Hunter College, 68th Street and Lexington Ave. West Bldg. nycgrassrootsmedia.org. Source: artforchange.
JAMEL SHABAZZ: OPENING RECEPTION (BRONX) 2-6pm. Bronx Museum of the Arts' Teen Council honors world renowned photographer Jamel Shabazz with an exhibition of his works, including photographs from the Museum's permanent collection. On view through July 27. Bronx Museum 1040 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NYC 10456. 718.681.6000. D/B to 167th. 4 to 161st. bronxmuseum.org. Sara Rosen (powerHouseBooks.com).
LADY PINK, TOOFLY, DONA AND MUCK EXHIBIT (BRONX) Making it Together. 2-6pm. On view through Aug. 4th. The exhibition explores an important chapter in recent history when women artists, inspired by the 1970s Feminist Movement, worked collectively in new ways to engage communities and address social issues. Bronx Museum 1040 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NYC 10456. 718.681.6000. D/B to 167th. 4 to 161st. bronxmuseum.org. Source TOOFLY: tooflynyc.com
DJ PONE & DJ RACE BANNON (BERKELEY CA) 10pm - 1am. FREE! 21+/ Speakeasy Sundays at Berkeley's Pasand Lounge 2280 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley, CA 94707 Source: DJ Pone (CannedBeats.com)
END OF THE WEAK (NYC) 9pm - ? $10. Ladies Night. Open-mic and showcases by Sara Kana, Mala Reignz, Cess Wonder, Ebony, Robin Spree & Mirror Image. Host: Likwuid. The longest running weekly open-mic in NYC! Pyramid 101 Ave. A bet. 6th & 7th St. NYC. EndoftheWeak.com
Monday, March 3
ILL INSANITY DJS ON BET'S RAP CITY @ 5PM DJs with major skills actually got on TV! Check out Rob Swift, Total Eclipse and Precision live! myspace.com/illinsanitydjs and BET.com.
THE HIP HOP ANNIVERSARY TOUR 2008 (ROME) GrandWizzard Theodore, Grandmaster Mele Mel, The Original Sugar Hill Gang, Kurtis Blow and the Airforce Crew. Centrale Disco. More info: hiphopanniversary.com.
BEHIND THE GROOVE W/ DJ SPINNA @ APT (NYC) 10pm. $7. APT 419 W. 13th St. (betw. 9th & Washington) NYC 212.414.4245. A,C,E to 14th. aptwebsite.com Source: Justin Carter.
WONDER TWINZ CONNEX LIST NETWORKING PARTY NYC $8. Club Rebel 251 W. 30th Street - btw. 7th & 8th Ave. NYC. Detailed directions: 212-695-2747. Source: Wonder Twinz.
POPPING & LOCKING DANCE CLASSES w/ FABEL (NYC) Mondays from 6:15-7:30pm Peridance Center at Morocco Dance Studio 6 W. 20th St. 2nd fl. Manhattan. $17 per class or 10 classes for $16 each. Ages 13+. All levels. PopMaster Fabel
DJ SURESHOT & DJ YAMEZ (NYC) Presented by Oxy Cottontail. FREE! SWAY 305 Spring St. Btwn Greenwich & Hudson NYC. Source: Roxy: oxycottontail.com.
BLACK MALE EMPOWERMENT WORKSHOPS (BROOKLYN) 7pm. FREE! Workshop leader: Byron Hurt. Topic: Redefining Black Manhood Part 2. A monthly series presented by Kevin Powell and Black and Male in America. For males only - all ages welcome. Bring a pen & notepad: be prepared to work, learn & share. Brown Memorial Baptist Church 484 Washington Ave. at Gates Ave. The Fort Greene, Brooklyn NY. A or C to Clinton/ Washington. 718.390.3520 or blackandmaleinamerica.org. Source: Kevin Powell & April Silver.
Tuesday, March 4
ILL INSANITY DJS ON BET'S RAP CITY @ 5PM Check out Rob Swift, Total Eclipse and Precision live on TV! myspace.com/illinsanitydjs and BET.com.
AFRIKA BAMBAATAA @ APT (NYC)!!!! 10pm-4am. Also DJ Lindsey and Eamon Harkin. 21+. APT 419 W. 13th St. (between 9th & Washington) NYC 10014. 212.414.4245. A, C or E to 14th St. aptwebsite.com. Sources: Justin Carter & Eamon Harkin.
THE HIP HOP ANNIVERSARY TOUR 2008 (SARDINIA ITALY) GrandWizzard Theodore, Grandmaster Mele Mel, The Original Sugar Hill Gang, Kurtis Blow and the Airforce Crew. FBI American Disco Club. More info:hiphopanniversary.com.
THE BEASTIE BOYS (NYC) 7pm. Performing live to benefit the Institute for Music and Neurologic Function an organization seeking to restore, maintain and improve people's physical, emotional and neurologic functioning through the systematic use of music. $75 for a good cause. Terminal 5 610 W.56th St. NYC 10019. More info. ticketmaster.com. Source: grandgood.com.
MARI FROM ROCK STEADY CREW IN "STEP UP 2" MOVIE "My character is Jenny Kido, and I am acting and dancing in the movie. I was working very hard for the movie last summer and hoping a lot of people go see it. The movie is great and very helpful to show how nice to have your crew and growing up together with that crew. Peace and Love and Smile. Mari" myspace.com/kodance
Wednesday, March 5
FLASHBACK w/ JAZZY JAY, AFRIKA BAMBAATAA, LOUIE VEGA, CRAZY LEGS, SERVE, KEVIN HEDGE (NYC) 10:30pm-? Pioneers and Legends. Live art by SERVE. Cielo 18 Little W.12th St. NYC. CieloClub.com. Source: Jazzy Jay (myspace.com/jazzyjayproductions).
10TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE HALFTIME SHOW (RADIO) The illest one yet! 89.1 FM WNYU from 10:30pm - 1am. listen live: wnyu.org or go to itunes>radio>eclectic>WNYU Hosts DJ Eclipse & DJ Skizz with Petey Cologne & Marz One. myspace.com/thehalftimeshowanniversary. Lots of artists and lots of giveaways!!! Station line: 212.998.1818. AOL IM: wnyuradio. email: halftime@wnyu.org. Source: Marz One.
SOULGASM NYC: DJ BRIAN COXX, EJOE, RED + 10pm-4am. Flashback to the old days when "dance party" meant everybody actually danced. DJ Brian Coxx & guests give you 2 floors of Deep House, Funk & Soul. Hosts: Ejoe & Red. FREE before 11pm. $5 after. Sin Sin 85 2nd Ave. at 5th St. NYC. 6, N, R to Astor or F to 2nd Ave. myspace.com/soulgasmnyc. Source: REDness (theREDness.com).
Thursday, March 6
DJS PRECISION, ROB SWIFT & TOTAL ECLIPSE (BOSTON) Ill Insanity DJs. 11:45pm. Good Life 28 Kingston St. Boston MA. Source Rob Swift: myspace.com/illinsanitydjs.
HOUSE DANCE CONFERENCE (NYC) 10pm-4am. DJS: Qu and P-Funk. Performance by Free Motion. $12. Club Remix 27 Park Place betw. Broadway & Church NYC. myspace.com/housedanceconference Source: Brian Green.
THURSDAYS: THE FAT BEATS REVIEW (NYC) 7-8pm. The Fat Beats crew and hosts: Lady J and DJ Eclipse lead the roundtable review of upcoming Hip Hop releases. Show is live, in store and broadcast and archived on dailysession.com. Listeners can drop by the shop during the show to get on the panel. Fat Beats NYC 406 6th Ave @ 8th St. 2nd Fl. NY 10011. Trains: A,B,C,D,E,F,V to West 4th. Source: dailysession.com.
Friday, March 7
THE HIP HOP ANNIVERSARY TOUR 2008 (HEIDELBERG) GrandWizzard Theodore, Grandmaster Mele Mel, Sugar Hill Gang, Kurtis Blow and the Airforce Crew. Halle 2 in Heidelberg Germany. hiphopanniversary.com. Source: wildstylemag.com.
IMMORTAL TECHNIQUE, DJ GI JOE (SOLANA BEACH CA) Doors: 7pm. Show at 8pm. Also Poison Pen, The Circle, J Arch. $18/$20. Belly up Tavern 143 S Cedros Ave, Solana Beach CA 92075. bellyup.com. Source: myspace.com/immortaltechnique
FIRST FRIDAYS! @ THE BRONX MUSEUM (BRONX) 6-10 pm. FREE!!! Celebrating Women's History Month! Hosted by SueLye & The Zol Lab With DJ Moni, Shanelle Gabriel, Sparlha Swa, and Yaya. Bronx Museum 1040 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NYC 10456. 718.681-6000. D and B Train to 167th/ Grand Concourse. 4 Train to Yankee Stadium. bronxmuseum.org. Source: Asho Productions.
SACRED CYCLES OF REBIRTH (OAKLAND CA) 7pm until 12am. FREE! All ages. Feat. Queen Deelah, Chela Simone, Colored Ink, Animaniacs; DJs Leydis, Black ndaLight, & Agana. Youth Theatre by I Go and OnStage/OffStage. Live art by Vogue, Khufu, and more. Open mic. Mandela Art Center 1357 5th St & Mandela Parkway Oakland CA. Next to West Oakland BART. Source: weekendwakeup.com.
LORD FINESSE, BOOGIE BLIND, E-KIM - FRIDAYS (BX) From 8pm - ? Best of the 80's & 90's w/ DJs: Lord Finesse, Super Rockin' E Kim, DJ Knuckles, Boogie Blind & DJ Boogie. Dugout 880D River Ave. near Yankee Stadium. Special Guest Performances. 25 +. Dress: Casual but neat, No Athletic Apparel, No Hoods. 4, B, D trains to 161st. Source: Lord Finesse!
Saturday, March 8
DJ FELIX HERNANDEZ RHYTHM REVUE PARTY (NYC) 10pm-4am. Master Selector Felix Hernandez. Anyone who likes to dance - esp. all Hip Hop dancers should join in the fun at this monthly sold-out event. Capacity 4000 - and Felix DJs solo! Roseland Ballroom 239 W 52 St., near B'way, NYC.Rare Groove, Classic Soul, Funk, Disco, Salsa, 60s, 70s, 80s. Tickets now available at classicSoul.com. Source: DJ Felix Hernandez.
IMMORTAL TECHNIQUE, DJ GI JOE, POISON PEN + (LA) Doors at 8pm. Show at 9pm. Also, The Circle, J Arch. $25/$30. Oasis Locations 940 S Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA. Source: myspace.com/immortaltechnique
THE HIP HOP ANNIVERSARY TOUR 2008 (LEIPZIG) GrandWizzard Theodore, Grandmaster Mele Mel, Sugar Hill Gang, Kurtis Blow and the Airforce Crew. Conne Island Leipzig Germany. hiphopanniversary.com. Source: wildstylemag.com.
FOREVER FREESTYLE II (BRONX) 8pm. Lisa Lisa, Stevie B, Noel, Nayobe, Safire, Johnny O. and Sweet Sensations. $25-$40. Lehman Center for the Performing Arts Concert Hall 250 Bedford Park Blvd. W. on the campus of Lehman College in the Bronx. Source: LehmanCenter.org.
CHAIRMAN MAO, JARED BOXX, MR. FINE WINE, DAVE GRIFFITHS + BRAD HALES @ APT (NYC) 10pm. $10. Brad Hales (People's Records, Funk Night, Ann Arbor Soul Club). 60s & 70s Deep Funk, Vintage Soul, Latin Boogaloo & early 80s Modern Soul, all spun on good ol' fashioned 45s. APT 419 W. 13th St. (betw. 9th & Washington) NYC. A,C,E to 14th. aptwebsite.com Source: Justin Carter.
HIP HOP KARAOKE: TRIBUTE TO BIGGIE SMALLS (NYC) 10 - ? pm. FREE. Knitting Factory with its 2nd Annual Tribute to Biggie Smalls. 16+. Knitting Factory, 74 Leonard St. between Church St. and Broadway NYC, 10013. 1 to Franklin St. Source: Jason Newman (hiphopkaraokenyc.com).
STEP UP 2008 (SAN JOSE CA) 6-10pm. $3 Old School DJ exhibition. Special guest DJ's include Venom 347 of funk lab. Performance by an original San Jose Bboy crew TBA. Open circles all night. Free giveaways. No politics or bad vibes. Alum Rock Youth Center 137 N White Rd, San Jose, CA 95127 freestylesession.com Source: Bgirl Poisn
MC & 3 ON 3 BBOY/BGIRL BATTLES (SAN MATEO CA) Hot Import Nights. MC Battles @ 7pm. 3 on 3 B-Boy/B-Girl battles @9pm. Cash, Gear, and Trophies. DJs JusJones (Rock Force) and Flow (Plus Sign Vibes). Judges: Jonny UC, Megman, Profo. Competitors in for FREE. plussignvibes@yahoo.com. San Mateo Expo Center 2495 S. Delaware Street San Mateo, CA 94403. Source: Donovan R4C (FreestyleSession.com)
Sunday, March 9
IMMORTAL TECHNIQUE, DJ GI JOE, POISON PEN + (SF) Doors at 7pm. Show at 8pm. Also, The Circle, J Arch. $20. livenation.com. The Filmore 1805 Geary, SF CA 94115. Source: myspace.com/immortaltechnique.
THE HIP HOP ANNIVERSARY TOUR 2008 (FLENSBURG) GrandWizzard Theodore, Grandmaster Mele Mel, Sugar Hill Gang, Kurtis Blow + Airforce Crew. Roxy Concerts Flensburg Germany. hiphopanniversary.com. Source: wildstylemag.com.
END OF THE WEAK (NYC) 9pm - ? Biggie Tribute Night w/ Guest DJ Evil Dee (TBC) Come early for a special screening of a Biggie documentary and stay for the open-mic over all B.I.G. beats. Plus Biggie tribute performances by Math, Pumpkinhead, Fresh Daily, Iron Solomon, The EOW Crew and more. Proceeds will be donated to the Christopher Wallace Memorial Foundation $10. Special Hosts: Vice Verses & ProPayne. Pyramid 101 Ave A btwn 6th & 7th Sts. EndoftheWeak.com
POPPING & LOCKING CLASSES w/ FABEL (RSC): Every Monday from 6:15-7:30pm Peridance Center at Morocco Dance Studio 6 W. 20th St. 2nd fl. Manhattan. $17.50 per class or $16 each for 10 classes. Ages 13 and up. All levels welcome.
Feb-April, 2008: NYU CAP 21: Mondays & Wednesdays. Teaching dance for NYU's Tisch School of the Arts: Collaborative Arts Project NYC.
March 12-14: Hip Hop Back to its Roots (Seattle WA)
March 24: Tools of War presents Fabel & King Uprock rock APT 419 W. 13th St. (betw. 9th & Washington) NYC 10014. 212.414.4245. A, C, E to 14th. $10 cover. aptwebsite.com.
April 4 - 6: Trinity International Hip Hop Festival. Hosting a B-Boy/B-Girl battle. More info TBA. trinityhiphop.org
April 22-25: Line Breaks: The Remix Symposium and Performance Series. University of Wisconsin-Madison Campus.
* Fabel also teaches 1 on 1 classes. Contact: FabelRSC(at)aol.com.
Read Fabel's essay "Physical Graffiti" commissioned by the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and Museum at rockhall.com or with pictures at daveyd.com. The most recent updated version can be found in Total Chaos, edited by Jeff Chang. Read a new essay by Fabel in Born in the Bronx edited by Johan Kugelburg feat. Joe Conzo's photos & Buddy Esquire's flyers!
For bookings: Contact FabelRSC(at)aol.com for performances, lecture/demonstrations, master classes & private classes, choreography, Hip Hop history, DJ'ing, hosting moderating or speaking on panels and more! Lecture/Demos include: The Great Hip Hop Swindle, The Foundational Dance Forms Associated with Hip Hop Culture and Apache Line: From Gangs to Hip Hop. Visit myspace.com/PopMasterFabel.

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HusH Hip Hop Tours NYC

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MONDAYS: FABEL -POPPING & LOCKING: Every Monday from Feb. 4th on. 6:15-7:30pm Peridance Center at Morocco Dance Studio 6 W. 20th St. 2nd fl. Manhattan. $17 per class or $16 each for 10 classes. Ages 13 and up. All levels.
MONDAYS, TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS w/ JAZZY J AKA SOULFIRE Jazzy J aka Soulfire Monday: 8pm-9pM: Popping, Wacking, Locking & Punking Tuesday: 9pm-10pm: Popping & Locking. Thursday: 9pm-10pm: Popping: Work Your Style $10 per hour. Fazils 743 8th Ave (betw. 46th & 47th St.) NYC. Call ahead to make sure it's on!
THURSDAYS w/ DEMENTIA 7:30-9pm. Popping Class by Dementia. All levels. PMT Dance Studios 69 West 14th St. at 6th Ave. 2nd Fl. NYC. pmthouseofdance.com
THURSDAYS w/ SNAPSHOT & WANDEEPOP Snap, Pop & Lock w/ Snapshot and WandeePop. 8pm. Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater: Joan Weill Center for Dance 405 W. 55th St. (at 9th Ave.) NYC. $16 myspace.com/Snapoplock
THURSDAY & SATURDAY w/ KOM & WAAK Kom & Waak (Breaks Kru) Thurs: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm. Sat.: 12 noon - 3 pm. Open Practice at El Puente Beacon JHS 50 South 3rd St., Brooklyn NY 11211. All ages & levels. breakskru.com
SATURDAYS: POP SHOP Pop Shop @ PMT Dance Studio (B) 69 West 14th NYC. Around $5 per class. myspace.com/nycpopshop
CUTS OF THE CULTURE feedburner.com from turntableradio.com
WEDNESDAY: DJ ECLIPSE & SKIZZ The Halftime Show: 10:30pm-1am EST WNYU 89.1 FM WNYU.org
FRIDAY: KOOL DJ RED ALERT 10pm-2am EST 98.7 Kiss FM 987KissFM.com
FRIDAY: DJ BILLY JAM Needle on the Record 3pm-6pm EST WFMU: 91.1 FM WFMU.org
FRIDAY: TRGGR Radio Chris, Tone & Rec 8pm-10pm EST WXOJ 103.3 FM myspace.com/trggrradio
FRIDAY: DJ NOMADIK Time Traveling 10pm-12am 88.1 FM WMBR WMBR.org
FRIDAY: THE OLD SCHOOL RADIO HOUR 7-9pm with TG The Analog Master gtownradio.com
SATURDAY: CHUCK CHILLOUT 10pm-2am EST 98.7 Kiss FM 987kissfm.com
SATURDAY: DJ FELIX HERNANDEZ 10am-2 pm EST 88.3 WBGO-FM ClassicSoul.com
SATURDAY: AFRIKA BAMBAATAA True School Radio 12pm-3pm EST TheWOET.com
SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS: KOOL DJ RED ALERT Sat & Sun. 10pm - 12am Classic Collection Backspin 43 on Sirius.
SUNDAY: KIDRAGON & ENTEC Discourse Show 12-2pm PST twelvez.com
SUNDAY: 2 TALL The Foundation 10 -11 pm CEST Juize.fm
WEEKDAYS: CAPN CHRIS HILL Rhythm96.coM Mon. - Fri. 3 to 6 pm OldSkool101.com
About Tools of War
Co-founded by Jorge "Pop Master Fabel" Pabon and Christie Z-Pabon, Tools of War was named with the idea that there are many "tools" one can use in competing/battling within Hip Hop culture: turntables, microphones, paint, one's body, and especially one's voice (and so on)! Although the name might appear aggressive, the intent behind it's use is actually to inform and educate people regarding not only Hip Hop but many other social and political issues. As we grow, we are finding that it has also become a forum for voicing opinions and sharing ideas which might help in unifying and uplifting people all over the world. Please visit us at myspace.com/Toolsofwar
*Disclaimer: Any listing/line-up above is subject to change or cancellation without notice. contact: toolsofwar(at)gmail.com and fabelrsc(at)aol.com
